
Showing posts from April, 2022

The Dockside Extortionist Combo

art by  Forrest Imel Elder Dragon Highlander (EDH) or Commander is an inherently broken format which regulates itself with the addition of a “Rule 0”. For those who don't play commander or Magic: The Gathering, Rule 0 is a pregame discussion that establishes how you want to play the game you are about to have. If you have played Dungeons and Dragons the equivalent of Rule 0 would be a Session 0, or the session when you reunite with your playgroup and Dungeon Master and discuss the in and outs of the campaign. Other Magic: The Gathering groups don't have a Rule 0 discussion because it's inherently known the experience they want. That kind of group play with a type of Rule 0 called cEDH, or Competitive Commander, or basically play to win. However when a card becomes “too problematic” to the target audience, low power level playgroups, the Rules Committee takes action and ban the card.  (If you found this blogpost and dont play Magic: The Gathering I'm so sorry and I hope

Strixhaven! Cards! Words!

Hello friends! I wrote this before the pre-release week of Strixhaven however I never published it. Here's this wall of text that might be read as the rambling of a mad man but that's just my favorite literature genre.  Environmental Sciences art by  Jokubas Uogintas When I started this blog(?) website (?) whatever this ends up being I was in a mindset that I didn't want to make set reviews. Because I am bad at it and might end up shooting my foot? Yes! However for this post(?) entry(?) review(?) I will be talking about the cards that I like for EDH in Strixheaven for two reasons, well actually one, it's not a massive undertaking and it will be better for the average attention span of the internet user.  These cards will be in set number order. Also, I will not be using the Commander 2021 precon decks since they are still spoiling them as I write this. The set numbers start in colorless but only the Lesson cards, then WUBRG order, moving into multicolor, and finally col