The Dockside Extortionist Combo
art by Forrest Imel Elder Dragon Highlander (EDH) or Commander is an inherently broken format which regulates itself with the addition of a “Rule 0”. For those who don't play commander or Magic: The Gathering, Rule 0 is a pregame discussion that establishes how you want to play the game you are about to have. If you have played Dungeons and Dragons the equivalent of Rule 0 would be a Session 0, or the session when you reunite with your playgroup and Dungeon Master and discuss the in and outs of the campaign. Other Magic: The Gathering groups don't have a Rule 0 discussion because it's inherently known the experience they want. That kind of group play with a type of Rule 0 called cEDH, or Competitive Commander, or basically play to win. However when a card becomes “too problematic” to the target audience, low power level playgroups, the Rules Committee takes action and ban the card. (If you found this blogpost and dont play Magic: The Gathering I'm so sorry and I hope ...